I eventually got round to finishing the weird dish that has been on the lathe for several days.
After photographing that I turned the lens on the dead rose.
Why is it that roses tend to stay looking good when they are dead?
The shots are Here.
We had to take a bag of cat-litter back to the shop this morning (the wrong sort ... 'clumping' stuff doesn't work in the fancy space aged litter box that Bags bought for the cats) after taking Bags to collect her car from the in-laws.
We had a call with our ray of sunshine ..... it is her birthday. We also arranged when we are heading down there (hopefully before apocalyptic snows arrive).
I also did an emergency repair on the pergola above the patio to hopefully stop it collapsing before I can figure out if I am going to replace it or do away with it (It has been up for 30 years).
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