The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Winter reading

These are my latest books: Shy Creatures is the latest from Clare Chambers, whose previous novel Small Pleasures, was widely celebrated. This one is set in a psychiatric hospital in the 1960s. So far, it's compelling reading. Steeple Chasing is a gift from my sister TML, and  reading it will inspire visiting some churches, near and far. Orbital is from Steve , and won the Booker prize in 2024. It's a slim volume, so will be great to take on my travels in February.. it looks fascinating.

Another day of being supremely idle. I did get dressed in time to watch Big, the celebrated film from 1988 featuring Tom Hanks as a 13 year old child 'transported' into an adult's body. Believe it or not, I'd never seeb it before, though I remember the film's advertising posters of the time. Anyway, we both watched it, and I loved it. 

Next we, watched Brief Encounter, which made me talk funny for a while. Such a classic! D says he doesn't like it. I must ask him why. 

Steve had something wrong with his throat, so he went off to the GP. I did not go with him because it's my host surgery and there was no way I wanted to go in on my holiday! He came back, and we had tea and cake. Nothing dramatic ensued, not even any phone calls today. We both enjoyed episode 1 of The Stranger , adapted from a Harlan Coben novel, on Netflix. The bit about the decapitated alpaca was a bit weird, though. 

We had the same curry again, and I did something not very exciting with the roast potatoes. The chicken is finished, so we're almost back to normal, in terms of eating. At this time of year, I'm normally eating a lot of chocolate, but this year I must not cross the migraine threshold. I think this is what we call first world problems.

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