"Please sir I want some more"

......... of this lovely Burns Pork & Potato dog food! Hooray! at last we have the full Allergy Test Report back and it seems Bracken is allergic to:-

- Beef
- Lamb
- Chicken
- Venison
- Rabbit
- Cows Milk

NB: I have just taken out Salmon as I read the diet sheet wrong - hooray! one more thing he can have at a later date!

so it could have been any one of these that triggered his colitis. Anyway as you can see we have introduced Burns pork & potato dried food for sensitive tummies (no complaints from him downed it in minutes as usual) and our Vet explained to us that the very low dose cortisone tablet he is on at the moment which is keeping everything settled down has to be gradually reduced over the next week until he is completely weaned off of them and then see how he goes on the new diet!Hopefully then he will be fine. So any ice-cream treats will have to be the doggy ice-cream which (lisa24270) recommended and gives to her Labrador Stella, and we are now in the process of finding out what treats are free from animal derivatives as I was surprised to learn that Bonio biscuits which he loves do in fact contain some animal derivatives. Meanwhile he crunched on a lovely raw crispy carrot tonight so he is one happy boy!
Thanks to all of you who have followed his journal for your caring comments and suggestions over the past 2 weeks which have been much appreciated!

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