Winter garden
At last - a day designed for Tain! The weather was reasonable, so in the morning we sorted out the drooping lavender plant and secured it upright. Hopefully it will hold. I got the camera out and went round taking pictures of hellebores and other winter flowers and buds. Quite a few. I was surprised to find the woodruff flowering in the herb garden. On the whole, lovely rich deep colours. And I did a fair bit of garden tidying, although that meant I did get some mud on the recently cleaned patio, which could now do with another hose down....Whoops.
I also managed a peloton workout, so I didn't feel like I had done nothing.
But other than that....we stayed in. Neither of us has been beyond the boundaries of the property. Read books and other things. I read Summerwater by Sarah Moss and enjoyed it a great deal. That's my 29th book of the year, so I only need to read one more by the end of December 31st, which is a distinct possibility (although it will be a short one, for sure) to make the 30 I aim at (and which I didn't manage in 2023).
I like days like this in winter. They work well for me as part of my de-stress.
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