
By Houseonahill6

The wiseman built his house upon a hill

Well we've had rain, then sun, then rain, rain and sun and now more rain. At one stage there were hailstones hammering down.
Luckily we live on a hill so feel that the chance of flooding is somewhat reduced. However a few years back, before we were here, the whole field was washed away leaving tatties rolling down the street. A bit like 'Whisky Galore' as all the potatoes vanished.

Managed to paint some more of the summerhouse, luckily I'm painting the inside and Mike finished the decking in between showers.

I've renovated two wicker chairs and a table. It takes a while to paint them but I'm pleased with the result.Will probably make a later blip.

This photo might look like it was taken after the rain but it was actually 'chucking it down' at the time but the sun was shining brightly and it was lovely and warm.Think this is a Scottish thing as when we had rain down South it would normally be grey and miserable.
I'm really pleased with my hostas this year. This one has at least 4 flowers ready to open.
Another good thing about the rain is that the salmon must be running and the dolphins are having a whale of a time leaping and chasing each other around. Great to watch :)

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