I sorted out Julia's dongle this morning before the weekly shop. We then went for coffee after lunch outside in the garden.

Tom had brushed off the old dart board that's been in the shed for quite a while and hung it up for a spot of practice. He had been to the Salmon Tail last night to watch his friend play and had been roped into the team to make up the numbers.

I have occasionally played darts in my youth, but was never particularly good, and certainly was never picked on to play in a team match. I once played a guy who considered himself very good, we had a little wager and by some fluke I managed to beat him, a lot of alcohol was involved as well I seem to remember, so my 'winnings' were his two Rolling Stones vinyl's, the first two LP's they recorded, The Rolling Stones and The Rolling Stones No.2, released 1964 and 1965. I still have them in my collection of dust gathering LP's.

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