Follow the Light
Anna made us a two sided Swedish Straw Christmas star. We had a perfect light with a small single bulb to attach it to. Swedish windows everywhere are decorated during the Christmas season with lights of wood, paper and straw. It's a very dark time of year with early sunsets and late sunrises in northern Scandinavian countries, the lighted windows are so welcoming.
We're home with the cat girls. We've unpacked and done laundry and both sort of crashed this afternoon, giving in to the 6 hour time change and the long airport and flight times yesterday. Tomorrow, a dear friend arrives from California for her yearly late December and early January visit. She also knows our Swedes and is anxious to see our photos and catch up on all their family news.
For the Record,
This day came in exactly like the last week in Sweden, moderate temps for December, dark skies and drizzle. Climate change has changed our winters here and on the West Coast of Sweden. rain instead of snow.
All hands tired, but happy.
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