Let us go then, you and I,
When the evening is spread out against the sky,
Like a patient etherized upon a table.
~ T.S. Eliot, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
Why? Half the time, even *I* don't know why I do the things I do. But here are some things I did on this day:
I sprayed a hydrangea bloom and a foxtail with gold paint; I'll use them in my next frozen bubble shoot, which won't be for a while.
I sprayed an orange osteospermum bloom gold.
I got an accidental golden thumb, without nail polish!
I took pictures of my golden osteospermum bloom and a tea light under a piece of tape (sticky side down this time - the tape instantly went and STUCK FAST to my bloom, hmm, not so great, actually) sprayed with a spray bottle so it had lots of water droplets on it. Then I messed around with the lights I was using - a headlamp and the tea light - shooting them by themselves under the water droplets/tape.
I took photos of an aluminum pie tin covered in water droplets that I found lying, quite innocently enough, in a neighbor's driveway. That was a fun one too. (Moral of the story: Even random garbage is not safe with me, ha ha ha!)
Honestly, weirdly enough, some of the most interesting shots may have been the ones I took of my el cheapo headlamp beneath the tape with water droplets. You may see a photo of it above. The headlamp has an off/on button and beside that is a set of four compartments on the light.
The picture, oddly enough, reminded me of a space ship sliding through space; or perhaps, even more, of the view that one gets while lying on an operating table, with the lights above one's head. That is why I thought of the T.S. Eliot poem; a portion of it is included above.
My song to go along with this odd picture is Journey, with Lights. The song is about their hometown of San Francisco.
BTW, I looked through my digital collection, and all I have on my computer for Journey is Escape (1981), Journey's Greatest Hits (1988), and Revelation (2008). It is hard to even describe how popular Journey was during the late 70s into the early 80s. They were just a total rock and roll package. We awaited every single album with glee. Hmm, I wonder if that's enough Journey in my collection. Somehow, I don't think so, but please enjoy the song!
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