The Servant Paid Our Debt!
It was a different kind of morning at FBC. Oh, we still gathered to lift our voices in praise and worship to God, but we were led by a worship team instead of the choir and orchestra who had this last Sunday of the year off and we were blessed by special music sung by the Chambers family. I should also have mentioned that we had a baptism done by Pastor Wes as we began our service. After the special music, the congregation joined our hearts and voices in a few more songs to help prepare our hearts for the message that God had laid on our pastor's heart. Pastor Wes spoke to us from Isaiah 52:13-15 and 53:1-12, reminding us that Jesus humbled Himself to come and live among people who didn't accept or believe in Him because He didn't fit the image of the Messiah that they were expecting. He willingly took upon Himself our sin and separation from God as He paid that debt for us on the cross. All we have to do is realize that there is nothing more we need to do than understand that we are sinners in need of the salvation He offers us, because He is not finished yet-----He is coming back to settle things once and for all eternity! You can see everything Pastor Wes had to say on the Live-stream which is well worth your time........
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