Living my dream

By Mima


I have no idea how, nor why this thrushes' egg ended up gently balanced on a lump of concrete on the side of one of my raised flower beds. 

It is beautiful. The nearest potential nesting location is more than five metres away. The egg was pristine, but cold when I found it. I have left it there.

Today's harvests include a bucket of peas, and the first pick of Hawkesbury Wonder beans. I love how crops follow on from one another: the broad beans are done, the peas are half way through, the beans are kicking off. Soon the summer brassicas will be maturing and the beetroots will swell; zucchinis will flood into the kitchen, and tomatoes likewise. 

There is an unstoppable rhythm and a pattern to the life of my garden which sweeps me along in its embrace. I like to think I manage it all, but really the best I can do is rein it in from time to time, and maybe push it slightly in one direction or another. I am a joyful passenger on this ride.

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