Back on King Island…
…in the Bass Strait. Today was the only weather window for getting ashore. We went for a lovely walk along the beach and headland to the site of a Little Penguin colony. Little Penguins, also known as Blue or Fairy Penguins, are the smallest (and noisiest) penguin species. They burrow into the sand hills preferably under thick scrub. They come to their burrows at sunset and set off to go fishing at dawn. As we were there mid-morning we were extremely lucky to spot one penguin probably sitting on late eggs. She was in safe spot under a big bush. I got a shot of her but too dark to post, so you have some penguin footprints instead.
A few snaps in the extra - Popeye and Olive on the facilities of the King Island Boat Club, our zodiacs lined up like little ducks in the harbour, and two signs about the penguins.
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