My day

By 59

Change of plan

I went out to blip my white crepe myrtle tree flowers but liked this better. I have extras so will put in a few I found in an old album of my parents. (Me, Dad’s cousin Gerry, Isbi and brother John. I am 8 and Isbi is 11). 

Some more improvement in the health front. Still have a yucky cough but it is on the mend. I’ve gone through 3 boxes of tissues.

My garden is in its summer lull. I spent some time weeding 2 areas and cleaning down cobwebs. Started a new book and had a nap. We also collected the groceries which I had packed up. It took ages as there was a car in front of us. Must have been 15 minutes to get the car out, collect them and drive home. It’s a brilliant service. I wish we had it when being our kids were little. Going shopping was too hard with 4 preschoolers.

I would have gone for an afternoon walk but it was still 29°. Did some more watering instead.

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