
By MerrilHope


Firstly, thank you to everyone for your lovely comments, stars and hearts for yesterday's Blip milestone - I even made it to the 'popular' page!  There are quite a few of us who started a Blipjournal on 1st January 2013 - it was my new year's resolution for 365 days but I'm still here after 4080 of them, as are several of us - some Blip buddies even longer - but whether you have kept a Blip journal for a month or a decade, there is something indefinable about this community that is so utterly comfortable and on New Year's Eve, which I feel is the real anniversary, I shall raise a glass to the next 365 photos and those of us that take them. 

Meanwhile, here in ol' Dullsville Essex, it's hard to want to do much when the weather and temperatures are so uninviting. Daily woofer walkies at least gets me out of the house - even if it is under leaden skies. 

Bro came for dinner and stayed for the evening. There is something very peacefully warm and winter normal about having him here and just watching TV together - Harry and Rufus agree - as I've Blipped before (here). 

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