
By JennyOwen


Out for a wander this morning, in search of murals in Sheffield's 'cultural industries quarter', my eye was caught by the light reflecting off some of the older buildings.  I found myself wondering whether Pinders - of which you can see a fragment here -  is still in business or not. In this part of the city, there's still a real mix: a few small metal-working factories still operating, many new student residences and a good scattering of trendy coffee houses. Many nineteenth century works buildings, with their arched entries and cobbled courtyards, now house apartments.
The cultural industries quarter was initiated back in the 1980s, when the large steelworkers' strike (1981) and the miners' strike (1984-5) were followed by crushing defeat and deindustrialisation. Some far-sighted people in the City Council set in motion economic policy initiatives which have led to genuine gains for the city, for example in now-established parts of the UK music and film industries, among others.
Perhaps the sons and daughters of some of those who were made redundant in the 1980s now work in those sectors. I do know of a few examples, and hope that there are more. At least, for the city as a whole, it's made a difference in riding out the bad times of the 1980s and of the post-2010 'austerity' period.
Edit: it appears that Pinders still is in business, now allying itself with aspects of the cultural industries initiatives. A bit of history here:

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