
By barbarathomson

Buttermere Chapel

It looks like Sour Milk Gill is being spun into a thread directly from the clouds.

Although grey and overcast Crummock was only bouncing gently with a regularly spaced swell in the morning. It is very pleasant when the wind spaces each hill of water so that you can get a stroke in before the next one rolls under you. No wet ears.

Following this, a hearty family lunch of parsnip, leek and potato soup and cheese brought over from Norway by my niece. Then, along the valley to Buttermere Church where on the Sunday after Christmas a carol and poetry service is held, everyone squeezing into the small space. Lots of people brought along their favourite Christmas readings, secular and sacred, and carols are sung, with all the verses.  We sing very slowly so the visiting organist can keep up – it gives time to ponder between each line. At some point we all have had enough and the vicar says, ‘Time for sherry and mince-pies’. All very festive and chatty.

The wind has risen, and the Lakes are far more choppy looking on the way back. But turkey curry with poppadoms is waiting and home-grown blackcurrant trifle. Coffee and present opening, then rounds of Town and Country. Everyone is very definite about the rules so half the fun is in arguing your corner. As everyone knows, for Vampires, Transylvania IS a Country!
Families are the best company at Christmas.

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