Should have known it was going to be a wet day when I cycled past these cows this morning... All laying down!


Made it to work nice & dry, but the rain sure made up for it on the ride home, 10 miles in drizzly rain not the best, but once I got going & before doing the first mile I resembled a drowned rat, I just enjoyed it! Lost count of the puddles I went through, the rain was spraying back up in my face too!
The boys laughed at me when I got home! But it was all good fun! :)

Tonight I went over to my old sw group, to support one of my members who has done all the training & was taking over the group!
So proud of Becky as she stood up there, so confident & full of energy!
Such a buzz in the room!!
Her own weight loss to date is so incredible, in less than a year she has lost over 7 stone! I know she has inspired so many, & I know she will continue to shine so brightly!!

So good to see everyone again!
Love those guys!!

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