
By HaydnM

And a happy new year

So as 2024 draws to a close, I spent alot of time pondering what the next year might bring, as I imagine most do every year. 

I then spotted this traffic light on my slow walk home from work. Swapping from red to amber to green, I thought on how easily applicable this is in day to day. Sometimes life seems to speed past, other times it grinds to a halt. Sometimes you may feel as though you're in limbo.

Sometimes circumstances can lead you to feel as though you have as little control over your life as you do a traffic light. 

But that light always turns green again, and with it life continues.

Whatever year you all may have had, I hope your 2025 is blessed. 

And if you feel stuck at that red light, remember the green light will shortly follow.  

Happy new year to you all

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