The Berry Laden Dahoon Holly Tree
Hubby had an early appointment with the cardiologist. He actually saw her assistant who put on his temporary heart monitor. They will monitor him for two weeks. While he was gone, I drove out to the area across from the Joy Chapel to get some photos of this amazing holly tree. The berries are hanging in heavy clusters. Hubby came home and changed out the final two fluorescent garage lights into LED fixtures. Our garage is so much brighter. He then changed two of our water filters. I got ready to meet my sister and BIL for our early New Year’s Eve meal. We decided to go to Mission BBQ. They may go help Parker replace a pump in Jamie’s basement. Hubby and I will go to 5:00 pm Mass. I doubt we will need dinner. We hope to stay awake to usher in the New Year but it is doubtful we can stay awake that long. Wishing you and yours a safe and healthy 2025. Thanks for dropping by. “And as, when all the summer trees are seen So bright and green, The Holly leaves a sober hue display Less bright than they, But when the bare and wintry woods we see, What then so cheerful as the Holly tree?” - Robert Sochey
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