All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Hubbie took Ethan out for his dinner after nursery tonight (to the giddy heights of Sainsbury's cafe)! As they weren't yet back when I finished work, I decided to do .a run then rather than later. Really pushed myself tonight and managed 7.39k, only walking the first 5 mins and running the other 42. Quite pleased with that although I did find it hard going. Amazing what my body has achieved in only 10 weeks though - just need to keep it up!

Within minutes of me getting home though it was time to read Ethan his bedtime stories. He didn't seem to care that mummy was still very hot, pink and sweaty and cuddled up to me regardless! It was the Wizard of Oz tonight - he's quite into that story at the moment. Really makes me laugh too how he always sticks his tongue out when he's concentrating on something. Don't think he's even aware he's doing it.

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