
By WharfedaleBex

Happy New Year!

We had an impromptu meet with Liz at the C&C last night for dinner, followed by a couple of games of Flamme Rouge before a relatively early bed. That meant we could get up after the rain and walk up Ingleborough before the snow came in. Loads of flooding around but our way wasn't blocked.

We plodded slowly (Rich is still coughing) and marched off, (once we'd taken another wind battering coming off the top) - at least it wasn't gusty this time. Icy windchill on the way down but very invigorating all the same.

We've since had a game of Wingspan - which went down very well. Just time for Wallace and Grommit if I can stay awake!

Hope your New Year has started well x

(Oh, no snow! (Humpf!)) 

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