To put my mind at rest and that of my MiL I booked to see the midwife today.

We heard the heart beat but she still wanted me to go to hospital to be monitored. So we headed over. Baby is 100% fine - healthy heart beat of 140-160 and lots of movement which is good. I've got Nitrate in my water which could be an infection and the midwife is coming in the morning to take my blood. It's a fasting blood test so I can't eat or drink after midnight (not easy when one of my symptoms is a raging thirst!). I have all the symptoms for gestational diabetes but we are hoping its just a coincidence!

We were out tonight for a meal for our friends 40th - it was a fabulous night filled with laughs and a relaxed atmosphere. Just what was needed.

I feel much better after hearing the baby - I can live with the tiredness and discomfort knowing all is OK in there :)

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