How i felt fine this morning was beyond me. But I didn't have a headache or anything.
The wildlings really enjoyed yesterday and it's good for them as it helps them to be more sociable and actually talk to people and have conversation.
I had planned to go a run today so roped Mr R and all the wildlings to go on their bikes. The first part of the run was a struggle for them as they felt cold. I ended up giving Xander my top and just ran in my t-shirt. The first part of the run was just 5 km and then we all went to tesco to warm them up and get them a treat in the cafe. Also bought them some gloves for the return cycle. We took a smaller route home (4km ) and I got to run most of that by myself and actually beat them all home.
We have loads of food left over from yesterday so me and Mr R will just have some of that for dinner. And some cheese.
Hope it's been a good day for you all.
The jedi is now loving the roller coasters on the VR with his elf fudge.
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