secret garden

By freespiral

Small things like these

The day dawned bright and crisp and cold and I dropped off at a local headland on my way back from the Post Office. I don't think a human had passed this way for sometime as I followed a small track through the bouncy grasses, possibly made by fox or otter, until it dwindled out in ankle-height gorse, my wellies being just below ankle height - shredded.  I was mindful of Ceridwen urging us to look out for small signs of natural wonder and there were plenty: multi coloured seaweeds bobbing at the water's edge, a smattering of little yellow periwinkle shells, grey rosetted lichen, otter spraint, the remains of a deceased seagull and a tiny pink flower on a thrift plant. I annoyed a dunnock, disturbed two snipe and saw oyster catchers, curlew and gulls. Brilliant colours and the gentle sound of the crystal clear water, the only evidence of humans an artistic jumble made from purposely gathered flotsam and jetsam.
You're looking out to Rosskerrig mountain and Kitchen Cove. Not bad is it :)
It's going to be cold night tonight. The stars were phenomenal  last night,.
Himself still feeling pretty grotty. I'm knocking back the echinacea and manuka honey! 

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