South West view
Picked up pals for a wee day in the hills.
Checked all roads gritted so looking good.
Surprised at amount of snow as we travelled west.
An icicle framed track led us deep into the hill only one fall for me on sheet ice.
On the open hill picking way through rough snow capped vegetation following sheep trods.
One big disappear for me down a drainage ditch, sore one.
Next challenge was the turbine base building site blocking our path to summit. Horrible ground to get through. Found a path to trig point and rest. Food and hot drinks surrounded by working turbines to the east.
A better route down and at the car, dumped rucksacks for another wee hill with little distance.
Cracking view from trig and large cairn.
A pleasant journey home.
Pals dropped at bus stop.
Hot shower and fluids taken on.
Eco mum made dinner.
Dog walk awaits.
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