I Witness

By KangaZu

July Challenge: Day 30 ....

From the past.

So, at my age I have accumulated a lot of things that could have qualified for today's challenge ... from the past.

But I have settled on this old music box that I have had since high school, maybe longer. I won't tell you how long I've had it, but it's pretty old!

Funny story about this music box: During my high school days I lived in Upstate New York. My sister, N, was in our high school band. I remember one summer we hosted several band members from another high school located in Pennsylvania. Bethlehem to be more precise. Before those three band members left they gave me the sticker seen on my music box and they each signed their names. Little did I know that some day I would actually live in Bethlehem!!

Even though we have lived here for 20 years I have not looked up any these guys. Maybe one day.

Note regarding yesterday's blip: Have no fear ~ I didn't actually throw away all those fabric scraps! They were just used for affect. But thanks for your concern!

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