Desert Squirrel

By PolS

Cloud over the city

First of all, apologies to those people who subscribed to my journal over the last few days, that I haven't been in to see you and say thank you. Apparently the notification system has been down, and is supposed to be working again now, although not retrospectively. I really appreciate your interest, and will try to check into all my comments over the next few days to try and catch up with you.

Back to magic skies again this morning, and today we had the added bonus of a layer of cloud over the city. Not so great for those below the cloud of course. I got my 12-60 mm lens back yesterday from an expensive service to free its stuck diaphragm, and as you can see it is now working fine again. No more gross overexposure.

I had trouble choosing from this morning, so there are 3 others here if you are interested.

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