
By joe_cool

Old Shed

Still rainy and cold today. It's miserable. I think the month of April was nicer than May. This is an old shed that I noticed on my way to an errand.

Emily made a gorgeous Joe Cool for me. You can see it on my "about" page. It's my new alter ego.

Last night Jean and Cristelle cooked a wonderful vegetarian supper for us. We had invited Brian and Lennee to join us. We finished the evening with a game of Texas Hold'em. But nobody but Jean and I knew how to play. In the end, Cristelle won everything. Beginner's luck.

Jean and Cristelle slept over and we had breakfast together. Then they left and we won't be seeing them until September. They going to Saskatchewan to work on Jean's master with the bisons. Have a great summer guys. I love you.

P.S. Everybody seems to like our new espresso machine.

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