
By IainatCreel

A Raa Day

We were surprised to see the postie get through to us today but get through he did.  It meant I had a real gleeful start to the year; he brought me an unsolicited letter encouraging me to consider planning for my cremation.  What a hoot.  And, joy upon joy, a letter from a electricity company indicating it has set up a direct debit for the Friends of the Hoy Kirk bank account.  Despite the fact that another company supplies the electricity.  The sheep in the back field are really struggling so I went to the polycrub and wheeked out some sprout plants for them.  The Current Mrs Creel got the giggles because she couldn’t work out the crossword answer for ‘sausage’ in Esperanto.  It is the same CMC who is relaxing in the extra, on location in Aberdeenshire.
Lindsay Duncan is 74.

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