
By FionaRobinson

Still frozen

One of the daughters of my close friends spent 6 months last year studying at Macau University, and took the opportunity to travel to several other countries across east Asia. Her younger sister is going on a college trip to Vietnam next year (2026). So we’d been chatting about the food in Vietnam, and I mentioned that some of the best Vietnamese food I’d eaten since getting back to the UK was in a little cafe in Manchester. So we had a trip out for lunch today. I didn’t take any pics (will try and add a group extra) so this is the ice on my little patio pond.

When I sorted breakfast this morning I thought the fridge didn’t seem very cold. So I transferred the thermometer from the freezer. When I got home it was reading 15C. So then nipped into Bolton to sort a new one. Fortunately it’s a little while since I went shopping so most of the contents are either bottles/cans of drink or various jars of sauce/jam/pickles that won’t come to much harm. And the cheese and veggies will be cool in the porch over the weekend until the new one arrives on Monday.

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