Miss Minni Samicki

By Minni

The Tongan umu is unwrapped

Pacific Islands Friendship Society had the annual Pacific Food Day with the Tongan umu. In Tonga this is the same as to Americans and their BBQs.
Preparing the umu:
Dig a big hole in the ground.
Make a fire with wood in the hole. Place in rocks.
Remove ashes then the rocks are really hot.
Place food (pork, chicken, fish, vegetables) in the hole covered with tin foil.
Cover the entire lot with banana leaves (or newspapers) and layer of earth.
Leave for 2 - 3 hours.
Then everything´s been dig out you are ready to eat.
It resembles much Finnish rosvopaisti i.e. bandit roast, usually lamb cooked in a hole under the ground with fire.
It´s always delicious.

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