This carnation is part of the bouquet Becky sent me for Christmas. All the flowers are doing well and still look very fresh. Thanks to BikerBear for hosting the FlowerFriday challenge.
I did a few chores this afternoon before setting off to walk down to the village. It was a bright day but very cold. There was a lot of frost around and the odd icy patch. I collected my repeat prescription, posted a parcel and did some food shopping.
Becky had sent a short list of food ideas to get for tomorrow and one of the items was some brie cheese. You would think that would be easy to get. But no. No brie in either of the two supermarkets in the village. So I got a pack of Boursin. I think that will be a good alternative ( fingers crossed ).
I was looking out of the kitchen widow at around 6pm and spotted the crescent moon and Venus. Ive seen a few recent blips of this duo so decided to take a shot. Not the best of images as it was taken with my little camera through the kitchen window.
Steps today - 8,283
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