
By simonslife

Another victim :(

The driver of the van which was involved in the crash which closed the road here the other day didn’t survive. As many of you know personally I am extremely aware of how excessive speed and lack of awareness when driving a vehicle can impact on your own health and everyone else’s around you, including those who will have to come and clear up!

A glorious pre sunrise greeted us with a delightful crisp and frosty coverage. No gas for a hot drink and so I decided that our early morning exercise would be rewarded with a mid way pit stop at a “coffee salon”.
Dippy was as usual centre of attraction trotting around with his lead in his mouth saying hello to everyone.
I blipped the above flowers on the walk back before an enjoyable stroll through the frosty meadows, stopping to admire the bird life feeding on the peanuts in the woods. Amongst the feeding frenzy I also noticed: blue tits , Coal tits, great tits, great tits, longtailed tits, chaffinch, bullfinch, carrion crow, jay, greater spotted woodpecker, nuthatch, wren, wood pigeon, rook, raven, pheasant, jackdaw, blackbird, song thrush, house sparrow, Dunnock, robin, starling, redwings, Fieldfare, and the hens in the coup:)
After sharing out the remaining apple, marzipan and mincemeat tart we headed off to see Bella, Reggie and Chicken, Dippy’s mum, dad and brother. Fun was had by all of the pack being reunited and everyone watching their antics.An invitation for Christmas cake and a hot drink wasn’t likely to be missed and some enjoyable conversation about how kindness is everywhere but not shared by the media often enough.
A chilly walk along the commons and river Torridge where we observed what might possibly have been an otter. The muddy well walked paths were beginning to freeze hard again (thank goodness).
The air ambulance was active for as yet an unknown reason and landed on the old bowling green.
Home for a fish, mushroom, Chinese celery, cabbages bok Choi, sprouts, celery, garlic
and chestnuts stir fry.
The extra contains photos of pre sunrise, a build up of rubbish in a retail-park car park after Christmas excesses.
A Christmas cactus about to flower,
A quick blip of the air ambulance taking off,
A fartnarkled fallen tree from the Commons
and my family name coat of arms.

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