Dancing through the years
This morning we divided and conquered: I prepared food, the kids played, and this young couple sat in the sun and got ready for their party. Family and friends arrived, food was devoured, glasses were clinked and then a quick spin around the kitchen to remind themselves how they've managed to put up with each other for fifty years.
By coincidence, friends of theirs in the valley were married on the exact same day, so they came along and made it a double celebration.
All the kids played well together, with my brother, his daughter and her partner keeping them all entertained with rugby, cricket and general larking about. A great chance for the cousins to play together, while us grown ups caught up a bit with everyone's news. Despite everyone having eaten all day, Mam insisted on a sit down dinner and we all somehow managed to shovel in a few slices of the corned beef and potato pie I'd cobbled together (it's a local speciality - but no-one had a recipe), then we headed for Dad's 'pub' for music and chat. Even though the night ended for me with a reminder of how, whatever my age, my parents still have the ability to cut away any shreds of confidence with a cutting remark, played for laughs, it was such a good day up until that point that I can't dwell on it.
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