I'm alright really
This is a family heirloom which sits by the door in my brother's bedroom. I can't remember when we first got him and according to both my brothers, he never had a name. I think he should be called Wally the Chimp after the chimp in that ad many years ago. He must be at least 50 years old and has a mortal wound to his chest, no doubt caused by Pi as I found some tell tale stuffing behind him on the floor. He has a head wound too by the looks of that bandage. He is wearing a football jersey that belonged to my middle brother when he was in the under 6's at St Michaels. It used to be bottle green with a yellow stripe and you can see the original colour where some of the yellow has worn away. He is also wearing a pair of one of my brothers shoes from around the time he was in the under 6's. That will give you an idea of his size.
Despite his state of affairs, I can't see my brother saying goodbye to him any time soon.
One for Admirer's silly Saturday and thanks for hosting KangaZu.
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