
By Gallopinggran

SKY AT 8.00 am

The sun seemed to be appearing , slowly, though it didn’t stay long . The sky looked dramatic but clouds have gone now leaving low clouded cover.
Got up early this morning pain in my foot
so I got
up & stayed up ( 6.30 am) did the washing , well the machine did really, so it’s almost dry now .
I’m taking advantage of keeping my leg elevated this afternoon , it’s hard to do when you’re
# on diuretics
# when you’re on your own
Still you do what you can, in any case it’s heads you win tails you loose situation . You shouldn’t be sitting too long either?
I’ve just done my on line shopping order , it takes quite a time going through loads of stuff you don’t want or need before you get to the item you want, however it’s all done now & will be delivered tomorrow.
TV is pretty rubbish tonight but I can recommend the film on bbc 2 at 6.25 pm
hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Think that’s my lot , so all that remains is for me to say enjoy the rest of your day & keep warm.

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