
By H22

Place: Gulfport, FL 47/67
Main activity: Sat - Storage, errands, relaxing
Notes: Chilly breezy morning - slept pretty well and then headed to storage first thing. Was able to find my bigger carbon steel pan w/o going thru every box & bin again - yayyy! Grabbed a couple small things and decided it was still early enough so headed downtown. Some grass-fed beef & pasture-raised chicken from the new Wild Fork (all frozen and packed in plastic tho so will see how it is). Across the street for quick few items from Trader Joe's. Went to Rollin Oats and was 850a - they don't open till 9a (very annoying and ridiculous). Ran to Whole Foods for just  couple things there and then back to RO - wouldn't have even gone back if WF had the better heavy cream. Finally headed back to Gulfport, made coffee, listened to music and sat by the big windows listening to the waves! Quiet rest of the day around the house. Talked to Jo (Australia) later on Signal 3x and Susan called on What's App from Panama. Watched the movie Carry-on on Netflix, tho broken up many times. Got the bike and clothes ready for the morning.

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