Although the actual temperature is 29F and the sun is shining, the wind is making the "real feel" temp 12 F which, no matter how you slice it, is just plain COLD. I decided after breakfast that I would start trying to clean up my old LR catalogs and get ready to move my 2024 images to my external drive. What was I thinking??? I hate that every time LR updates a catalog, it leaves the original catalog on the drive, too, which means that I could have a half dozen catalogs of the same damn thing. And for some reason, I have a hard time combining some of the catalogs even though it should be very straightforward. I finally gave up and decided instead to cull my 2024 photos, getting rid of all but the best images. That took hours, but it was a very good activity for a day like this.
Finally at 3 I realized that I hadn't taken a photo yet so I bundled up and went outside to catch some bird action. I lasted about 20 minutes but was able to get a nice assortment of images because the feeders were mobbed. I have a particular soft spot for Tufted Titmice and when I saw this image, I knew I had my blip for the day. No editing other than a slight crop.
Jax wisely stayed inside while I braved the elements outside. Smart dog. Dumb human.
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