The Last Remains of a Cake

This is all that remains of the Lemon Polenta Cake which made its appearance at my book group last night.
It can be counted a success, due in no small part to my clever ruse of serving everyone with a glass of rosé wine at the start of the evening, and then Lyn producing her homemade sloe gin later.

It's wonderful to note the effect of a little alcohol on a group of ladies some of whom, but not all, are in possession of bus passes.

I see that this recipe from the kitchen of Nigella Lawson ( she's well out of that coupling, by the way!) indicated that there were 16 servings in this cake: I must have been overly generous with the slices for the 7 of us ladies and His Lordship ( who was handed his plate through The Door, behind which he was hiding, thereby avoiding any chit chat with us women), as there only seem to be a scant 3 slices left.

His Lordship designated today as his day for packing. In the event he did it in 20 minutes at 9:30, while of course I have been fine tuning mine for the last week, paring things down to a minimum, while having an alternative to Lycra should we eat out. With two panniers, a saddle bag, a bar bag and a rucksack, it hardly appears to be a minimalist arrangement.

Now we have the rest of the day to put in before the off tomorrow. Just time to go mad cleaning the house to a standard which it never attains while we are in residence.

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