
By SkiMe

Clean Up

Clean up is still going on today after the tornado and points go to this farmer who found a fun way to clear his field of the big roof panels via a rope and his moped! He went back to tow away the larger panel on the left. He was scratching his head... I left and continued my ride at that point.

Interesting to see how finely the tornado shredded all the fiberglass insulation. As you arrive toward the path of the tornado, you start to see all the bits of lighter insulation materials that got carried on the air currents. Then, larger and heavier bits start to define the nearness to the wreckage.

I am still trying to understand the dynamic of the modern foam insulation which is glued to the underside of the roof panels. Almost all of it is torn from it's seat and shredded as well. You'd think that being very light it would just go along for the ride? Or lastly, the transparent fiberglass roof panels... I keep seeing little pieces ranging from like A 3"X5" photo size up to larger sheets. It is very curious to think of the violence in the air to be able to bend and break the panel into bits... I guess that explains the first mystery... curious in any case.

On a side note: interesting to see how quickly the clean air after Monday's storm becomes choked with smog here in Northern Italy. Yesterday afforded beautiful views of the entire Alps mountain chain - including spectacular views of Monte Rossa. Today there is already the usual yellow/brown cap over the landscape and the mountains are almost completely hidden to the eye once again. Pity.

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