Not shepherd's
I think I slept through Snowmageddon, and The Great Thaw. At 22:00 last night it was a bit wet and sleety, apparently by 22:30 it was sticking and by 07:00 this morning it had all gone and was just raining (and raining, and raining, and raining). There were a few small patches in the low lying parts of the park but nothing you could really call 'snow'. Apparently there may be more in the SE on Wednesday.
I went for a very fun(ny), slip slidy run with a couple of people this morning, spending as much time laughing at the conditions and catching my friend, who'd - for some reason - decided not to wear trail shoes, as I did running. None of it helped by losing a contact lens about a mile in and having no depth perception for most of it. I think maybe I should have worn black socks; these probably haven't survived.
Back and still on my post run high I've been persuaded to enter a(nother) half marathon in May. That will bring it up to five this year (five in '25?), is that enough?
Shepherd's Cottage pie for tea with the leftovers from Friday night's Not New Years Roast. Yum! Meanwhile, the cats have decided it's tea time (it's not, they're approximately two hours early) and are squabbling in the hall.
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