"I Love Old Photos"...
...We didn't have a lot of photographs taken of us by my Mum when we were little, my Dad was the photographer and he used to develop his own years ago, before they had a family.. But he was a farmer with 4 little children to raise, and I guess his hobby of photography took very last place in the day to day existence on the land..especially after the War.
...But they did the best they could I guess, and this is one of the photos taken of little Raestelle, but it was taken when I had been given a treat for being so well behaved after having my monthly treatments in the way of injections (which aren't like they are now - they felt, and appeared to me to be rather like the skewers we use in cooking..) and so this is one of the rare photos I have of myself at this age..the photo isn't the clearest - but the best I could do with it...
...Nowadays - I have weekly injections - and I'm still well behaved - just like a mozzie bite really, aren't they..and yes, I still get a treat, we go out for a nice morning or afternoon tea..and I still smile..
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