
By etoile

We spent a lovely afternoon with my old friend Andy. Andy was my boss many moons ago and we've remained friends for around 15 years. He is a gem and one of the few constants I have. We went to visit him at his newly acquired land. He's never had much in the way of finances but struck it lucky when his brother won the lottery. With the money his brother gave him he's been able to buy a home and some land. No more caravan for Andy. He was so proud showing us around his land and telling us of his plans. He's got a great clearing in the woods where he's carved chairs, made a cabin and is cultivating different habitats for butterflies and doormice etc. Elodie and Frances both loved their time in this magical and much loved place. I loved watching Elodie imaginary play in the woodland. Unfortunately I left my camera in the car. So many beautiful things to photograph this afternoon but they are just to be kept locked in my memory. No one could have deserved this good fortune more.x

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