Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Dr. Horrible's Singalong Blog

I expect you Buffy fans know about this already.  See, I never watched Buffy.  I feel that this was a mistake on my part, which I do not now have time to rectify as I'm too busy trying to get up to date with "Lilyhammer", "Breaking Bad" and "Downton Abbey" plus trying to squish in that whole "actually living" thing.  Stupid real life.  

So I was pleased to come across "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog".  It is another Joss Whedon creation that also has the benefit of being REALLY SHORT so I could fit it in around mundane tasks like "washing up", "doing shopping" and "interacting with people who are not fictional".

It is the story of Dr. Horrible (Neil Patrick Harris) an aspiring supervillain who's a bit rubbish and in love with the girl at the launderette.  He has an arch-nemesis named Captain Hammer (Nathan Fillion) who is just a big show-off.  The film follows Dr. Horrible as he attempts to pull off a big enough act of rascality to qualify him for membership in The League of Evil, get the girl and finally beat Captain Hammer.  Oh, and it's a musical.

Yes, it's stupid, but Neil Patrick Harris is extremely likeable and the songs are ok (Nathan Fillion's "Everyone's A Hero" song is particularly funny).  Plus there are enough really silly ideas in there to keep me happy.  I particularly liked the idea that the League of Evil is lead by an evil horse who has his own chorus that pop up from time to time, singing the "Bad Horse" song and delivering his memos.  

Available for free, gratis, no pence on the YouTube, this is a fun way to spend 40 minutes.  And I hear a sequel is in the works.

Everyone's a hero in their own way!
Everyone's got somethin' they can do!
Get up, go out, and fly!
Especially that guy! 
He smells like pooooo!

p.s.  If you too are "Downton Abbey" & "Breaking Bad" fans, then Google those two titles plus "Colbert" for a fun mash-up of the two shows in which the actors who play Lord Grantham, Thomas & Carson attempt to cook blue tea and sell it to the Mexican cartels.

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