Chwyldro ~ Revolution
“The only real revolution is in the enlightenment of the mind and the improvement of character, the only real emancipation is individual, and the only real revolutionists are philosophers and saints.”
― Will & Ariel Durant
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Er i ni wedi cael tipyn bach o eira nos Sadwrn, cawson ni glaw bore Sul. Felly roedd y bore yn wlyb ac yn oer. Es i am dro. Roeddwn i'n hwyrach na ddoe ac roedd ychydig o geir eisoes yn crwydro'r strydoedd oer wlyb.
Cerddais i i lawr i'r afon i weld y coed niwlog ac yn ôl trwy'r Ystum Taf.
Mae yna olchdy (laundrette) diddorol yn yr Ystum Taf. Mae'n yn yr awyr agored, nid mewn adeilad, er wrth ymyl gorsaf betrol. Rydw i erioed wedi gweld unrhyw beth fel hyn yn unman arall. Mae'n edrych fel rhywbeth defnyddiol yn yr ardal. Efallai y gallai mwy o orsafoedd petrol yn 'mabwysiadu' un.
Enw'r cwmni yw 'Revolution' ac mae ganddyn nhw beiriannau ym mhob rhan o'r DU (
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Although we had a little bit of snow on Saturday night, we had rain on Sunday morning. So the morning was wet and cold. I went for a walk. It was later than yesterday and a few cars were already roaming the cold wet streets.
I walked down to the river to see the misty trees and back through Llandaff North.
There is an interesting laundrette in Llandaff North. It is outdoors, not in a building, although next to a petrol station. I've never seen anything like this anywhere else. It looks like something useful in the area. Perhaps more petrol stations could 'adopt' one.
The company is called 'Revolution' and they have machines all over the UK (
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg) : Golchdy wrth ymyl gorsaf betrol yn yr Ystum Taf
Description (English) : Laundrette next to a petrol station in Llandaff North
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