A day of things
Walking the dogs this morning, I found a tusk / horn that was surprisingly big. I’ve googled possibles but as I was in a town park that doesn’t have animals that big roaming around, I’ll have to assume it’s travelled a distance via a big bird perhaps. ??
My swim got cancelled so I went for a run. It’s not the same and I’m feeling a little bereft now, as the days pass.
This evening, we went to a surprise 40th birthday party. The funny side is that it was the same couple as last Sunday week - when he was surprising her with an anniversary party. Tonight, she was surprising him with a birthday party! She had planned to the finest detail and it was brilliant. The same crowd, a different venue, lots of music, dance, traditional Ghanaian food and juice drinks … it was quite something.
Dot.T got to ;-) hold this little girl for a really long time. She’s not had loads of experience with toddlers so I think it was quite special.
By the time we left, snow and sleet had carpeted the roads.
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