Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight


Beautiful weather and it was like all Chaniotis were down in the Venetian harbour of Chania where the Episcope of Chania threw the cross into the waters and the young and bold dived into the waters to find the wooden cross and bring that back to the priest / Episcope. In my main picture you find the crown of the Episcope behind the woman's head and the 'blue' shoulder of the priest who carries and icon. The priest in yellow stole, left of the woman, is a nephew of my koumbara... and I remember him as a young and playful boy... that's 45 years ago; time flies! 

On the church square I'd positioned myself on top of a table, from where I had a nice overview; nobody bothered about that. Next to me was a white plastic tank... I had no idea why it's there. And then little before the service in the church ended a man pushed himself thro' the crowds and he carried a small jug what he empied in that tank... then I realised that tank had waters and the man had emptied blessed waters from the church into that tank... Everybody on the church square came to fill their bottle with that blessed water! 

And with that blessed water they will sprinkle the interior of their houses, as to bless it with the holy spirit... Agiasmo.   

From internet some words on Theofania:
"The Baptism of the Lord is also called the feast of the Theofania, since during the Baptism of the Lord the people saw the Holy Trinity. According to the Gospels, during the Baptism of the Son, the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in the form of a dove, and the Voice of God the Father proclaimed, "This is my beloved Son, who carries my Grace."

In Greece Theofania is a holiday. It is also the last winter holiday that the children sing carols and get pocket money in exchange.

In Greek temples and churches today, special services are performed, after which priests and parishioners go to bodies of water - here they perform the rite of sanctification of water, immersing the cross in water. The ceremony attracts a huge number of people and there are almost always daredevils jumping into the icy water after the cross - it is believed that those who manage to reach the Cross first, will get the blessing of the Lord and good luck for the whole next year. ."

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