Living my dream

By Mima

Summer for a day

Briefly this afternoon the mercury reached 28C. This would have been delightful, except for the fact that I was mowing the lawn at the time and sweating buckets. 

It was one of those days when diving into the shower at knock-off time was sheer bliss. I am now floating about in a kaftan: a floor-length purple batik affair which I bought in Thailand many years ago.
Hopefully the forecast cold southerly change will take its time getting here so that I'm not scurrying across the (cut) lawn to the new cabin after supper, having to dodge raindrops. 

The top temperature tomorrow is due to be 16C, so I am savouring every second of the warmth! Summer has been patchy at best so far.

My neighbour over the road is currently being barked at by Bean (wagging her tail furiously) because he has the temerity to mow the grass down their drive to the road. It is a regular ritual, and she will return to the truck when she's run out of puff and wag to tell me how clever she's been guarding the property. 

The extra shows that the lunchtime snuffle game is still a big part of her day.

As well as the mowing I've watered various areas, picked carrots, beans (the other kind), kohl rabi, broccoli sprouts and silverbeet. I have mixed and proved a couple of sourdough loaves, made 10 jars of goosegog jam and a simply enormous bowl of goosegog fool.

As you can probably tell I slept like a log last night and we were unshaken. My energy levels and balance are both restored. Life is full steam ahead again after that little bump in the night road.

Thank you for all the empathy about my mild PTSD yesterday. I greatly value this gentle and kind community.

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