
By Mindseye


Well …….happy to report I made it home yesterday afternoon yay!!! The journey wasn’t too bad, bit slow in places but made it in under 3 hours :-)

First job was to take down my front door wreath as it’s Twelfth night.

I was so busy unpacking the car, grocery shopping, opening a mountain of post from behind my front door, putting some of my belongings away, making soup, then off to my first camera club group for ages, I forgot to take a photo :-/

So here you have a foggy view from
my second bedroom window this morning……..above where they are still building are fields & trees, you can just about see them……honestly :-))

A day indoors today, pretty cold & icy out there, don’t want to be slipping over lol!!

Plenty to do, laundry, emails, more stuff to put away in their proper places, then I have an email distribution list to put together, just the odd 170+ addresses to type in, that will keep me out of mischief :-)

Hoping to get to go to Pub Quiz in Warrington tonight to catch up with my “old” neighbours, fingers crossed!

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