Everyday Life

By Julez

Water, Water Everywhere

Despite not having the best nights sleep I could have wished for, I do feel a little better today than yesterday. I'm trying to drink more water and eat little and often. Everything still tastes off though I know it isn't.

It was my choice to walk down as far as the Brayford to take photos this afternoon. As you can see, it has overflowed and the path alongside is flooded despite no more rain falling today.  All the water is meant to be the other side of the little wall you can see! It will take time to recede I guess.

Tomorrow I was supposed to be having my hair cut but I called to rearrange it for next week. Wednesday is over 60's discount day, so most of the clientele will be older than me, so it's best I don't risk taking my germs to them.  I may not still be infectious, but I'd rather not chance it.

This morning I counted up the £1 coins in my book jar. I had £33! That's the best ever. I can start filling it up again now as I've finished my first book for this year. A mildly humorous chick lit one that didn't involve a huge cast of characters or a twisty plot to keep track of whilst feeling ill. I finished it thinking nothing actually happened, but it was OK to keep me amused whilst coughing! Not my usual type of book at all...

I just realised my last year on this day Blip has the exact same title! Different location though!

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