Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Sledging in the Park

Looks a bit icy outside, but not very cold. Quiet morning at work. On the first walk of the day, it isn't slippery as it looks. The icy and snow are quite soft. A nice walk around the park. I was quite surprised to see children sledging. Not because the schools have restarted, children don't go back until Tuesday, but because the snow was quite wet. At least they have a wee bit of fun before the mundane part of life returns. There isn't enough snow to close schools.

After work, on the walk we find the snow and ice aren't as soft earlier in the day. Definitely a crunchy top layer. We do our  normal Monday walk down to Braidburn Valley Park. Not too bad until we get to the first bridge in the park, where the ice on the path is indistinct from the melt water, the latter now starting to freeze. So we turn around and head home. The snow we walked upon a few minutes ago is now crisping up quite nicely. No slip ups though. Glad to get back to a warm home though. May need the ice grippers for the shoes tomorrow.

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